The Statement of Purpose of Feluga State School is:
Feluga State School is community orientated which demonstrates a holistic view of student learning and wellbeing. We believe students should be active, confident, critical and creative thinkers. Therefore, as a community we strive to ensure all students are engaged in a challenging, differentiated, and inclusive academic environment where there is a strong focus on student wellbeing, student voice and every student succeeding.
The priorities that Feluga State School stands for are:
* Developing the full academic, emotional, physical and social potential of each child.
* Providing an intensive focus on literacy and numeracy.
* Fostering an appreciation and respect for others.
* Develop self-discipline, independence, and a sense of self-worth in our students.
* Demonstrating pride in, and respect for, our school and the school community.
* Encouraging environmental awareness.
* Educating our students in essential life skills.
* Broadening children's horizons.
* Enjoying the unique family atmosphere that only a small school community can provide.
* Providing a high standard of human, physical and technological resources.
The 5 Codes of Feluga State School
Commitment - to pledge or bind yourself to an idea
Common Sense - to use practical ideas or judgement
Consideration - to think of others and respect them
Co-operation - to work together
Courtesy - to demonstrate politeness and good manners