


School Gardens - The Tatura Trellis

In August, 2012 an Open Tatura Trellis was erected and planted soon after with the wonderful assistance of the Cassowary Rare Fruit Council.

The idea of a Tatura Trellis, invented by Baz van den Ende, was suggested for the school because during the torment of Cyclone Yasi which devastated many trees in the Feluga area, trees planted on a Tatura Trellis suffered fewer casualties.

Tropical and rare fruits like the sapadilla, guanabana, abiu and rambutan were planted along the wires of the trellis.

Having their own garden allows the children to experience the enjoyment of growing things; especially as a menu of salads and hot meals have already been provided by the garden.

The children, all of whom have adopted one of the rare fruit trees, keep exact measurements of the height and girth of their plant.

In addition to the Tatura Trellis, school gardens have been generated outside each classroom, through the enduring efforts of Kath Gregory and Trina McKiernan, where a variety of crops from strawberries to corn has been grown. The children tend to harvest these crops at their will.

Book fair

Banana Day

Last reviewed 15 January 2020
Last updated 15 January 2020