


Homework is given at Feluga State School to encourage success in the student. Whatever we choose to do in life, we must set aside time to do those things that we don't particularly want to do. Apart from demonstrating an understanding of the schoolwork, children who complete their homework, are demonstrating a life-long discipline which will lead to success.

In the lower school, Years 1 and 2 and 3 students receive homework on a weekly basis. The homework is given each Monday and is handed in by the following Friday. Each student is expected to complete the revision tasks, write their spelling words in sentences and read their home reader.

The homework is set at a level that is achievable by each student independently, sometimes with the need of extended parental help. The children self-select their own home readers at a meaningful and instructional level and are encouraged to swap their books daily.

Prep students receive minimal homework tasks, starting with borrowing home readers from Term 1 onwards. They also have sight word lists that they take home. These are high frequency words that they will recognise in the simple texts they are reading.

In the upper school, Years 4-6 students receive weekly homework, every week except the final week of each term. Their homework consists of reading, spelling and mathematics. 

Very occasionally, weekly assignments will be scheduled, usually complementing a unit of specific work e.g. during a HASS unit on the Gold Rush or a Design Technology assessment.

Parents are able to contact their class teacher to adjust the level of homework.


Students may access their Mathletics Online account anytime at  should they wish to complete additional maths work at home. The website is External link




Homework- Learning at home

Learning at home refers to the ways schools will maintain teaching and learning in the event of a prolonged school closure or student absence. This includes temporary closures due to cyclones, flooding, bushfires and the current Coronavirus pandemic.

Last reviewed 24 March 2020
Last updated 24 March 2020