Because the school has community involvement as a high priority, we have a variety of programs/events that involve the local community.
The first is the Tatura Trellis this is a part of our Rare Fruits program, where the students spend 1 hour a fortnight caring for this particular garden.
The second is the states 'Containers for Change' initiative. The students sort the different types of containers and then the Student Council receives the money to put towards various projects. A large bins sit permanently sits under A Block ready for deposits. The tops are removed and put in a separate container to be put towards 'Lids for Kids' where the plastic is recycled to make prosthetic limbs for children.
And many more...
Clean up Australia Day
Jump Rope for Heart (Heart Research Foundation)
Feluga's Biggest Morning Tea (Cancer Council)
Banana Day (Costa Bananas)
World Rafting Championships in Tully