Staff 2025
Principal: Mr Dean Hardy
Business Manager: Ms Dawn Wilkes
Prep to Year 1: Ms Kelly Clarke
Year 2 to Year 3: Mrs Katie Hutton
Year 4 to 6 Teachers: Mr Dean Hardy and Mrs Lydia Valeriano
Teacher Aide: Mrs Marcia Reichardt
Teacher Aide: Mrs Layne Lack
Teacher Aide: Ms Natalie La Spina
Teacher Aide: Mrs Danica Hazzard
Teacher Aide: Mrs Elsea Steelson
Guidance Officer: Mrs Wendy Fox
PE Teacher: Mrs Lydia Valeriano
The Arts Teacher: Ms Belinda Adams
Indonesian Teacher: Ms Kym Hall
Instrumental Music Teacher: Ms Kym Hall
Visiting Support Teacher: Mrs Alison Morrison
Cleaner: Mrs Robyn Twaddle
Grounds: Mr Jimmy Pacey
Testimonies From Staff
Marcia Reichardt – Teacher Aide
I have been involved in Feluga State School since 2004, when
I was employed to work mostly in the Upper School Classes – this has continued
to present day but I have added the library teacher aide job to my many and
vast duties that I carry out every day. Feluga State School has always been a
very community involved school with families from years gone by having a lot to
do still with our little school, most recently our 90th celebrations
where many generations from far and wide joined not only in celebrating but the
planning of festivities for this wonderful event. Our school has always
had a close family school feel to it where everybody gets involved and
everybody cares for each other which I think is what makes it so special.
I love my job and love coming to school every day to help teach and support
others for the greatest outcome for our students and families.